Sunday 8 March 2015


Stock Photography

"If You Don't Have
A Smile, I Can Give
You One Of Mine.."

Smiling may seem like an involuntary response to something cute or funny, but it is much more than that.

Studies suggest that smiling, forced or not, can have a positive effect on your mood, decrease stress levels, and it also has a positive impact on the ones around you.

Some of the benefits of smiling are :

  • When you see someone smiling, you sometimes find yourself smiling too. Smiles are contagious. Even in bad situations, if you smile, others are likely to mimic the expression.
  • Smiling lowers stress and anxiety. The next time you’re feeling stressed, just try smiling to calm yourself down.
  • Smiling helps in releasing endorphins, chemicals that makes you happier.Endorphins are the same chemicals you get from working out or running. So, smiling is a form of exercise too. 
  • Smiling will make you more attractive. A smile suggests that you’re personable, easy going, and empathetic.
  • Smiling even makes your immune system stronger by making your body produce white blood cells to help fight illnesses. 
  • Smiling can make you more comfortable in situations you would otherwise feel awkward in.
  • If you want to improve your credibility, simply smile more. 
  • Smiling will help you leave a positive impact on those around you, it is a more effective leadership technique than having great management responsibilities. So, the next time you really want to show off those leadership skills, just grin.
Stock Photography

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